03 November 2005

Movie Marathon

The first day of Hari Raya, another holiday, my son again (I keep use him as an excuse) pestered me to take him to the movies. Today is the first day premier or the Disney Movie "Chicken Little". As usual, the promotion of the movie in the TV he insist that he wanted to see the movie. Then there's another movie which my daughter suggested, Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride".

We landed at Sunway Pyramid because Tanjung Village cinemas are they where they have the exclusive for "Corpse Bride". Guess what, we ended taking both movies in a go. It started with "Chicken Little" at 1.40 p.m. and the next movie "Corpse Bride" at 3.15 p.m. It's actually started at Cineplex No: 4 and then to Cineplex No: 8.

Actually, I want reluctant to see both movies because I don't fancy much about "Chicken Little" where it's just a story about a little chicken. At the movie, the story was a bit lit "Wars of The World" where earth is being attacked by alien when the child of the alien was left back at earth during their"stopover".

I am not a fan of Tim Burton's film because he has a weird way of making movies. Take for example like "The Night Before Christmas", "Edward Scissors Hand" and "Batman 2". I fell asleep during the movie because the story was slow and not much of action. What do you expect when the movie is made using stop motion method. The story is about a writer named Victor who was destined to marry a woman of his parent's choice named Victoria. Victor did not performed well during his wedding vow ceremony and landed at a cemetery where he accidentally married a corpse.


SooHK said...

Wah sei man, I almost went and try IMAX at berjaya today but changed my mind and went to butterfly park in KL...I intend to see corpse bride. Actually how is it?

Chan Kok Kuen said...

Don't waste your mone on this movie (Coprs Bride) because the story is normal, the amination (slow motion capture) is nothing spectacular because there were not much of colours just gray and blue. You will know the ending of the story.
Might as well try DOOM.. The Rock rocks!!! but I still not seen any of his movies except for The Mummy II